Sunday, February 3, 2013

On reflection, not such a boring week after all!

On reflection, not such a boring week after all!

I've been studying my next Relief Society lesson which is President Monson's talk, "Consider the Blessings" from this past October's General Conference.  I've loved testing his challenge: "...if we will take a step back and consider the blessings in our lives, including seemingly small, sometimes overlooked blessings, we can find greater happiness." 

This paragraph from his talk is absolutely true in my life this week. "As I have reviewed the past [week], I have made some discoveries.  One is that countless experiences I have had were not necessarily those one would consider extraordinary.  In fact, at the time they transpired, they often seemed unremarkable and even ordinary.  And yet, in retrospect, they enriched and blessed lives---not the least of which was my own."

I thought this was a pretty ordinary week.  Then I looked back at the pictures I took and the individual events which occurred and I realized it was a really wonderful, event-filled week.

Jane and Paul played cello duets on Sunday evening while I read by the fire.

14" of fresh snow monday morning and blue sky and fresh air for the first time IN A LONG TIME!

Marta, Paul's friend from Spain, spends and afternoon and evening with us.  She give us an excuse to visit the Heywoods later that night.

Paul's first dance date day-time activity.  Breakfast... but not enough to get full.

Paul and Eliza off to Sweethearts Dance

Experimenting with sweet and sour tofu.  Two thumbs up from Jane and me.  Dad was an awesome sport!

The RS/YW meeting today was one hour of music. Inspiring songs were sung by different classes, groups and duets composed of YW!  They were absolutely wonderful.  Imaging the song below sung  by Kennedy McDonald and Julia Daines.  They were even better than the original artist!

finale: Thoughts on LOVE (because it's February, sillies)

"True love is not so much a matter of romance as it is a matter of anxious concern for the well being of ones companion."  Gordon B. Hinckley 

"Our joy now and forever is inextricably tied to our capacity to love."John H. Groberg 

"May I share with you a formula that in my judgment will help you and help me to journey well through mortality... First, fill your mind with truth; second, fill your life with service; and third, fill your heart with love."
--Thomas S. Monson

Sunday, January 27, 2013


It has only taken me a year to muster my courage (twud have been easier if my daughters weren't such intimidating bloggers), and a handful of patient tutorials from Liz and Jane, to attempt my first post.

With the amazing events of the last year and especially of the last couple of weeks, I want to share my thoughts about them (the events) and YOU!  I figure I can lure you in with the promise that I am going to say something about you.  Hang in there; you are really the star of this week's muse.  But first, treat yourself to the following TED talk while I bandage the wound I received when I danced with the ice on the way to church. Push "play" I'll be right back.
inspiring video 
This video helped me realize that I truly believe God sees us more like this time-lapsed photography, ever emerging, becoming, growing into our divine self. He sees us and loves us in seamless motion.  He sees both the beginning and the end while we're living the present.  This thought made me sadly realize we are probably guilty, on occasion, of seeing others more like they are frozen in a still frame, possibly even an outdated frame.  I promise to try and change that in my life!  This year, each of you has inspired me by the way you have handled your unexpected challenges and blessings. Both take huge amounts of grace! It has been quite a year for our family:

The blessing of desired pregnancy, the challenge and worry of delicate health and daunting financial concerns.
The successful birth of beautiful boys AND the day and night care stabilizing new, delicate life... still in progress.
The gift of tuition help AND the relentless pressure and challenges of Law & Japanese study coupled with new endless family responsibilities.
Earning a spot at BYU AND working out an impressive 1st semester without a pc, while too often feeling alone and occasionally forgotten.
Finding a comfortable rhythm socially BUT NOT having other personal dreams long fought for and righteously sought.
Academic and career-opportunity doors swinging open wide WHILE social and meaningful relationship doors seem stuck.
Incredible spiritual experiences and growth AND the challenges of huge professional changes and needing to learn to rebuild mid-career.
Having an army of worthy friends join you in the front line wave of unprecedented missionary service, AND learning your assigned field has been well-travled by family members and is low on the exotic scale.

Today's waking up impressions: the scriptures are filled with people just like us, blessed until they were overcome with joy AND challenged with assignments and trials and responsibilities they "didn't deserve" but were called to and entrusted with by an all-seeing, all-knowing, all-loving God! I believe we cheered for, prayed for, and assisted the faithful of days gone by. Now they and others do the same for us! 

I marvel at the privilege of walking this journey with you.  Fresh courage take, the world needs YOU, I need YOU! 

Boss, our steady, faithful anchor

Petunia, happy companion runner to my family

 Pablo, "sweet" 16 in all the important ways

Dave, amazing in his million new roles

 Liz, instantly devoted mother and adoring wife

B & J, heart of our family, twin dream team

 Jane, unsinkable sunshine and love

Hope, always exceeding expectation, unstoppable!